
My thoughts on 'Captain America: Civil War'

Captain America faces off against Ironman in 'Captain America: Civil War'...

I’m feeling much too lazy to write a full review of Captain America: Civil War, so here is a list of some of my unfiltered, spewed out in any order and, most likely containing spoilers, thoughts:
  • Spider-Man was awesome. He’s not in it a whole lot but within that short time they really nailed his character (it makes me feel sorry for Sony who had two movies to do the same and just failed… magnificently).
  • I really liked the smaller scale of this movie compared to the comic book story. It’s not better per se, but it works better for the film; having the fight centre on Cap' and Ironman feels very natural and the other characters take sides that align with their viewpoint and mind-set as you’d imagine they would (mostly).
  • That being said, it’s not a ‘Civil War’ in any sense of the word, more like a small scale ‘Civil Dispute’ – but I get why they didn’t choose that as a title…
  • It’s great to see that in a movie as massive as this, character still comes first, and when shit hits the fan the consequences focus more on how people are affected rather than just using action sequences to blind people with explosions.
  • The action sequences are there though, and they’re really kick-ass. Okay, sometimes there’s a little too much shaky-cam, but the choreography is excellent and the Russo brothers handle the myriad characters very well. The airport fight is really fun, crazy and very well shot.
  • Spider-Man really is awesome.
  • Ant-Man is really great too, and this movie almost does a better job of the character than the actual Ant-man film, perhaps because he plays a side character role, which I feel suits his character better than main part.
  • As with a lot of Marvel films (or comic book films in general), the actual villain of the film is pretty underdeveloped and fairly menial, he’s put there to make certain things happen which then happen, and little more. Still, he’s better than a lot of them, and I actually felt some sympathy for him, even if he isn’t the main point of the movie.
  • Black Panther is really well handled in this film, and they manage to establish his character very quickly but without it feeling rushed. I was concerned he’d feel like the odd one out, the one nobody really knew or cared about, but he actually fits in very well and will definitely have a bigger role to play in the future.
  • Spider-Man. Is. Awesome.
  • This film is actually quite emotional, and when it really kicks off, there are some great moments when you really feel the connection these characters have to each other, and how the events of the movie have changed them forever.
  • The ending though, I felt was a bit on the ‘light’ side. Even just one important character dying would’ve added a lot, even if it was accidentally or something.
  • Still, overall this movie is very fun, very well made and actually does a good job or bringing together a competent story, deft characterisation and thrilling action into a cohesive whole. It’s not perfect, but it’s very good, and compared to the other properties in the MCU the Captain America series is going from strength to strength.
  • Oh, and Spider-Man is awesome.

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